Saturday, 21 January 2012

New sympathy for Noah

Good morning folks. Apologies for the little hiatus in posts; I've was ill earlier this week and rather busy for the last couple of days ( as I'll explain below ) so blogging wasn't on the agenda! Fear not - I am on the mend and once again back to my bright eyed and bushy tailed self.

Its been quite a week. Apparently this is officially the most depressing week of the year - the Christmas glow is well and truly out, bills have arrived and there's not much to look forward to in the way of holidays. I don't really subscribe to all that but its been a somewhat unlucky week here. On Thursday I was minding my own business ( literally) when I heard a strange trickling noise. I looked up to see water gushing out of my ceiling. After a minor meltdown and headless chicken moment I managed to phone Michael who luckily was still at home and hadn't left for work yet. By the time he'd arrived two minutes later we had an impromptu water feature which was cascading across the entire width of our ceiling and down onto me, the carpet and pretty much everything else. Oh good. I should explain that our shop sits underneath some bedrooms contained in the hotel next door, so we alerted them to the leak. They were so lovely and came to the rescue with armfuls of towels, buckets and basins - and unceremoniously dragged the unsuspecting guest upstairs out of his rather lengthy shower! We think me laddo must have left the door open or something and in doing so, inadvertently allowed me and my shop to share his shower too.

I can laugh about it now, but at the time it felt like a disaster of Old Testament proportions. Unfortunately we had to close for Thursday afternoon and Friday morning, but we did get sorted and we are now thankfully up and running ( and dry ) once more.

I'll be back tomorrow with the serious business of clothes and the lovely new pieces I hope to have in store. Until then, adios

H x

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